Program for a tea meeting and concert, Melbourne, 1905

This is a black-and-white copy of the printed program for a concert held in 1905 by the Victorian Neglected Children's Aid Society. The program has the subheading '(MISS SUTHERLAND'S WORK.)'. The program shows that the concert was to be held at the Melbourne Town Hall, with Australian Prime Minister 'the Hon. Alfred Deakin, M.P.' presiding. Events were to include bagpipe, piano and violin solos, children singing, addresses by the Prime Minister and the 'HON. ROBT. McGREGOR', songs and recitations by various men and women, a biograph, and a collection for the children. The evening was to end with the singing of the national anthem.


Credits: Reproduced courtesy of National Library of Australia
Creator: Arbuckle, Wadell and Fawckner, printer, 1905
Identifiers: TLF resource R3168
National Library of Australia number nla.aus-vn2109588-35
Source: National Library of Australia,